Important Dates

Happy New Year and welcome to 2021. Hopefully it will be better for everyone than 2020, and we can get to play some pool.

There are some important dates, that everyone should keep in mind for the start of the season.

Sunday 14th February – Club Membership and Team Nomination Forms due. (email

Sunday 28th February – Players Registration Confirmation (players with points can be processed electronically, paper forms to

Monday 5th April – Tentative date for start of season

DDPL Executive


The Players Points have been published, and are available in the Menu on the left. At the moment this is a pdf document and is downloadable and also available to print. When the webpage is improved this information will be available automatically as a data transfer from the database portal.

Note the following:

  1. The players listed with a point value, are those that have played more than 40 frames in total over the last two seasons.
  2. The list is DDPL players and the Combined Premier players.
  3. Some Premier player points may still vary to EDPL points if those players have played DDPL Division 1 within the previous two seasons. This will also be noticeable if EDPL Premier players have played EDPL Division 1 within the previous two seasons.

Annual General Meeting

To All Members,

The Annual General Meeting of the Dandenong and Districts Pool League will be held on Wednesday 9th December at 7.30 pm at a venue to be determined. With the current CoVID 19 restrictions and the expected announcement this Sunday it is impossible to name a venue at this stage.

If the restrictions are eased we would like to hold an attendance AGM depending on venue openings and the restriction guidelines. If this is not possible we will attempt to hold an online AGM.

To assist can you please let us know if you are able to attend the AGM in person, and how many would be attending from your Club. Please email the secretary at

Remember, your club has the right to have two registered delegates attend and participate in the meeting. “Stand-Alone” clubs also have the right to have two registered delegates attend. Other members may attend but are only able to witness the proceedings. Penalties apply for clubs that do NOT have at least one delegate in attendance.


Peter Kelly (DDPL Administrator)

Winter Season 2020 postponed!

Dear Members,

We thank you for your patience while we have been discussing and reviewing information provided, by government and media surrounding the outbreak of COVID-19 in Australia. We have spent the weekend liaising with club presidents, each other and life members to get an understanding on where each club sits, in relation to the winter 2020 season commencing on Monday 23rd March.

We need to understand and respect that each person is going to have their own view on what should and shouldn’t happen. We encourage everyone to show empathy and patience to their fellow members, don’t attack each other’s views.

As an executive we have had to make a decision based on the wishes of our members and one that aligns with other social sporting organisation’s. That decision is to postpone the start of the 2020 Winter DDPL season. All scheduled games for this Monday March 23rd will not go ahead. We are aiming to re-commence fixtures, hopefully in late April.

Please note that this decision has been made with the very best of intentions, with the health and wellbeing of our members and their families in mind. We want to do our part in helping to reduce the spread and impact of COVID-19. As a competition and society we are in uncharted waters, the landscape of society is changing daily as more cases and deaths are confirmed. The demographic for our pool community is vast, we have male and female members ranging from 18 – 80+ years of age. Older members 60+ and those will existing health issues are our most vulnerable and we need to remember that. 8ball pool is our passion and our favourite pass-time, but health and survival trumps all. Lets do anything and everything in our power to ensure that we protect ourselves and others.

For those people who intend to continue to play pool during this period socially (if venues remain open). Ensure you practice good hygiene. Wash your hands with warm water and soap, use hand sanitizer, clean the balls continually after each frame. Ditch the handshakes and kisses on the cheek for now, keep 1.5m away from all people. If you are showing symptoms of a cold or flu, be honest with yourself and stay home.

We understand this is going to upset some people, but understand it’s been decided as a proactive measure to protect our DDPL family.

Sincerest Regards,

DDPL Executive Committee.